Notice the Difference!
Elke Van Hoorweghe en Nadja Talpaert


Sustainable results

Increasing turnover, margin, growth, speed, complexity, flexibility, competitive pressure, innovation, performance, digitalization, disruption… These are all pervasive themes that demand attention within your organization. Yet, they also bring about immense pressure on employees, managers, and the organization as a whole. How do you equip them to navigate this landscape with agility, depth, a fresh mindset, and the necessary skills? How do you foster sustainable growth for both your organization and its people in the face of these challenges? Are you preparing them for 2030? This is where Notice the Difference excels!

We specialize in guiding organizations and individuals towards a future-proof path. By imparting essential leadership skills 3.0, providing executive and leadership coaching, empowering leaders and their teams, nurturing a growth mindset, facilitating intervisions, and fostering collaborative learning, we drive positive change that resonates throughout the organization. Our goal is to make a tangible, lasting difference by helping leaders and employees alike reach their full potential.

Let us breathe new life into your organization, propelling you to even greater heights in the future

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Notice the Difference! zet leiders en experten in hun kracht door een intensieve en individuele 1-op-1-begeleiding. Dit met de nodige diepgang in zelfontdekking, mind shifts, (oude) patroon doorbreken, transformatie naar de waarachtige leider die ze willen zijn; voor zichzelf, voor hun team en voor de organisatie.
We scheppen een veilige leeromgeving zodat ze uit hun comfortzone kunnen treden en groeien. We nemen bij voorkeur letterlijk en figuurlijk afstand van het werk en organiseren de coaching sessies in een rustgevende en inspirerende omgeving.

Leadership Essentials 3.0

Our Leadership Essentials 3.0 program is a meticulously crafted leadership curriculum that encapsulates the five indispensable skills and mindset shifts necessary for effectively leading teams of specialists and experts, both now and in the evolving landscape of 2030 and beyond. Participants undergo an immersive experience that blends induced learning, illuminating ‘aha’ moments, structured frameworks, mindset-shifting exercises, and collaborative learning opportunities. Together, we cultivate a framework of trust and safety, fostering self-reflection and heightened self-awareness.

Whether it’s a foundational trajectory or an advanced leadership program, we tailor each module to your unique business context, recognizing that leaders operate within specific systems and contexts. Our approach is far from theoretical; we present theory in the most efficient manner and ensure participants immediately apply it to real-world scenarios within each module. To enhance the learning experience further, we occasionally integrate professional actors into select sessions, elevating engagement and leaving a lasting impression

Team leadership

At Notice the Difference!, we specialize in guiding both small and large teams through periods of growth, change, collaboration, and effective communication, regardless of their position within the organization. Our approach is always customized and fully adapted to the specific context of each team.

We prioritize enhancing trust between leaders and their teams, empowering leaders with the skills to understand and positively influence team dynamics. Our process includes facilitating the development of a shared vision for the future. Additionally, we integrate system dynamics into our methodology, acknowledging that certain patterns may be sensed but not immediately visible. By identifying and addressing these complexities, we restore productive flow within the team.

Moreover, we ensure the sustainability of these improvements over time by equipping teams with the necessary tools and structures to perpetuate positive dynamics.


Met intervisiecoaching reiken we organisaties een laagdrempelige aanpak om te leren van en met elkaar vanuit de eigen realiteit. Medewerkers, leidinggevenden en directie krijgen handvaten om op een andere manier naar werk-gerelateerde problematieken te kijken, elkaar te bevragen en te adviseren. Dit leidt tot steeds meer autonomie, zelfbewustzijn en zelfsturing. En zo draagt Intervisiecoaching ook bij tot het stimuleren van de lerende organisatie en tot het creëren van een coaching cultuur binnen je bedrijf.


Herontdek de Kracht van Teamwerk

Een zelflerende Masterclass voor leiders en HR-Professionals.

Aankomende 31 mei nemen we je mee op een unieke reis naar de kern van effectieve teamdynamiek. Onze speciaal ontworpen masterclass, “Teams On Track“, is jouw sleutel tot het ontgrendelen van het volledige potentieel van jouw team, waardoor je niet alleen de uitdagingen van vandaag aanpakt maar ook een fundament legt voor blijvende verandering.

Ben jij klaar om impact te hebben? Klaar om het verschil te maken?